Emergency Water Ban

Water Ban Guidelines

The Groton Water Department is issuing the following Emergency Water Ban for all outside lawn watering until further notice.

“All irrigation systems and lawn watering must be turned off”

The extremely dry May and June and heavy pumping in the 1st two weeks of June coupled with the lack of any winter snow pack this past season and the winters since 2016, we are headed for a potential shortage of drinking water this summer.

The Water Commissioners want to be sure that there is an ample supply of drinking water for  “essential” uses such as drinking, cooking and bathing as well as firefighting.The Groton Water Department thanks you in helping us preserve and protect our valuable drinking water resources.

This does not apply to any residents on a private well or in West Groton. This ban does not apply to handheld outdoor water.

If you have any questions please email water@townofgroton.org and we will get back to you promptly.